Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Control diabetes – start avoiding white flour, white Salt, tea and coffee

Control diabetes – start avoiding white flour, white Salt, tea and coffee

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Excessive use of salt puts extra burden on the kidneys, may cause high blood pressure, which is closely linked with diabetes. Excessive intake of salt promotes water retention in the body, which in due course may lead to obesity, which is a potent cause of diabetes.

diabetes information, diabetes treatment, diabetes diet, diabetes causes, diabetes mellitus

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White Flour

Wheat is the most common cereal used throughout the world for making bread. It is a good source of energy. With its essential coating of bran, vitamins and minerals, it is an excellent health-building food.

Wheat is usually ground into flour for use as food. However refined wheat flour constitutes a serious health hazard of the various processed foods being used today for their delicious taste, white flour (maida) is especially harmful. The colossal loss of vitamins and mineral in refined wheat flour has led to widespread prevalence of constipation and other related disgestine disturbance and nutritional disorders, particularly diabetes. The consumption of white flour is thus an important contributory cause of diabetes, and its aggravation, if the disease has already developed.

White Salt

Common salt or sodium chloride is a major factor in maintaining the acid base equilibrium of the body. It is also essential for the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Thus, while a certain amount of salt essential for the body system, it is required in very small quantities, ranging from 10 to 15 g per day.

Excessive use of salt puts extra burden on the kidneys, may cause high blood pressure, which is closely linked with diabetes. Excessive intake of salt promotes water retention in the body, which in due course may lead to obesity, which is a potent cause of diabetes. Too much salt is thus harmful and may promote or hasten the onset of diabetes.

Salt (sodium chloride) and sodium preservatives are added to most processed foods. A sodium-controlled diet must avoid or limit salted snacks; pickles and many others processed convenience foods.

Tea and Coffee

Drinking tea and coffee is a serious health hazard for the diabetic. The most alkaloid principle in both tea and coffee is caffeine. Caffeine is an addictive drug similar to cocaine in as much as it stimulates the central nervous system. While these effects are short-lived, it has been observed that they lead to withdrawal symptoms of irritability, lethargy, headaches and anxiety. The daily intake of tea and coffee causes indigestion and gas formation, diarrhea, and constipation. They also increase the blood sugar level, which may lead to diabetes or aggravate its symptoms where the disease is already present.


Common Knowledge About Gestational Diabetes

Common Knowledge About Gestational Diabetes

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I did not become familiar with gestational diabetes until recently when my sister-in-law and my best friend were both diagnosed with it within a week. Many women I know, myself included, have made it through pregnancies without having any serious problems like gestational diabetes.

Basically, gestational diabetes is a disease that can come on during pregnancy but that usually disappears once the baby has been born. In some women, pregnancy results in their blood sugar leve...

gestational diabetes

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I did not become familiar with gestational diabetes until recently when my sister-in-law and my best friend were both diagnosed with it within a week. Many women I know, myself included, have made it through pregnancies without having any serious problems like gestational diabetes.

Basically, gestational diabetes is a disease that can come on during pregnancy but that usually disappears once the baby has been born. In some women, pregnancy results in their blood sugar levels getting out of balance. A pregnant woman might realize that she is having blood sugar problems on her own or it might take a doctor to determine that her levels are not normal. Regardless of how it is discovered, gestational diabetes is a serious issue that needs to be handled with caution and care throughout a woman's pregnancy and after.

When my sister-in-law and my closest friend were struggling with feeling abnormally up and down during their pregnancies, their doctor took blood tests and determined that their blood sugar levels were being affected by their pregnancies and their food choices. They were both diagnosed simply by having this blood work done. At first they were hesitant and scared because gestational diabetes sounded huge and they didn't know how relatively simple the treatment process could be.

Gestational diabetes, because it is primarily an imbalance of blood sugar, can often be regulated by changes in diet and levels of exercise. The amount of changes that are necessary are dependant upon how poor of habits the women have to begin with. My sister-in-law and my friend had to make different levels of changes to their diets, but neither had to make such significant changes that their lifestyle was radically altered. Mostly their changes consisted of going on a low-sugar and low-carb eating plan. Gestational diabetes brings a risk of the baby getting to large during its gestational period and needing to be delivered early or by c-section. The more the pregnant mother cuts down on sugar intake, the less likely it is that the baby will get too large to be delivered vaginally.

If you are pregnant or are thinking of becoming pregnant in the near future, take some time and learn about ways to prevent gestational diabetes. It is the best for you and your baby. Prevention is always a better option than having to find a solution to high blood sugar levels. Be wise with your food and exercise choices from the start and you should be able to avoid dealing with gestational diabetes in your pregnancies. Talk with your doctor and take every possible precaution.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Causes of diabetes

Causes of diabetes

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Heredity is a major factor of diabetes. That diabetes can be inherited has been known for centuries. However, the pattern of inheritance is not fully understood. Statistic indicates that those with a family history of the disease have a higher risk of developing diabetes than those without such a background. The risk factor is 25 to 33 percent more.

diabetes, diabetes supply, diabetes treatment, diabetes mellitus

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Certain factors that contribute to the development of diabetes are


Heredity is a major factor. That diabetes can be inherited has been known for centuries. However, the pattern of inheritance is not fully understood. Statistic indicates that those with a family history of the disease have a higher risk of developing diabetes than those without such a background. The risk factor is 25 to 33 percent more.

One reason why diabetes, especially type-2 diabetes runs in the family is because of the diabetes gene. But even it is caused by genetic factors beyond your control; there is no reason to suffer from it. Diabetes mellitus cannot be cured in full sense of the term, but it can be effectively controlled so that you would not know the difference.


Diabetes has been described by most medical scientists as a prosperity' disease, primarily caused by systematic overeating. Not only is eating too much sugar and refined carbohydrates harmful, but proteins and fats, which are transformed into sugar, may also result in diabetes if taken in excess.

It is interesting to note that diabetes is almost unknown in countries where people are poor and cannot afford to overeat.

The incidence of diabetes is directly linked with the consumption of processed foods rich in refined carbohydrates, like biscuits, bread, cakes chocolates, pudding and ice creams.


Obesity is one of the main causes of diabetes. Studies show that 60 to 85 % of diabetics tend to be overweight. In the United States of America, about 80 percent of type –2 non-insulin dependent diabetics are reported to be overweight.

Excess fat prevents insulin from working properly. The more fatty tissue in the body, the more resistant the muscle and tissue cells become to body insulin. Insulin allows the sugar in the blood to enter the cells by acting on the receptor sites on the surface of the cells.

Older people often tend to gain weight, and the same time, many of them develop and mild form of diabetes because who are over weight can often improve their blood sugar simply by losing weight.

Stress and Tension

There is a known connection between stress and diabetes mellitus, those who are under stress and/or lead an irregular lifestyle, need to take adequate precautions and make necessary lifestyle adjustments.

Grief, worry and anxiety resulting from examinations, death of a close relative, loss of a joy, business failure and strained marital relationship, all a deep influence on the metabolism and may cause sugar to appear in the urine.


Smoking is another important risk factor. Among men who smoke, the risk of developing diabetes is doubled. In women who smoke 25 or more cigarettes a day, the risk of developing diabetes is increased by 40 percent.

Lifestyle Risk

People who are less active have greater risk of developing diabetes. Modern conveniences have made work easier. Physical activity and exercise helps control weight, uses up a lot of glucose (sugar) present in the blood as energy and makes cells more sensitive to insulin. Consequently, the workload on the pancreas is reduced.


Carbohydrates, High Blood Sugars, Diabetes - know the connection?

Carbohydrates, High Blood Sugars, Diabetes - know the connection?

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There is a strong connection between carbohydrates, high blood sugars and diabetes. Carbohydrates give your body the energy, or fuel, it needs to function properly.

Carbohydrates form glucose which can create high blood sugars and that's where the problems start for diabetics.  Understanding more about the connection helps to control your diabetes...

carbohydrates,high blood sugars,diabetes,diabetic

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There is a strong connection between carbohydrates, high blood sugars and diabetes. Carbohydrates give your body the energy, or fuel, it needs to function properly.

There are two types of carbohydrates; simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are in foods such as fruit sugar, corn or grape sugar and table sugar. They are single-sugar molecules. Complex carbohydrates are the foods that contain three or more linked sugars. So carbohydrates create blood sugars and that's where the problems start for diabetics.  Understanding more about the connection helps to control your diabetes...

<b>A Personal Experience</b>

I am a diabetic type 2 and, at the moment, I control my blood sugars through tablets and diet.  Blood glucose control is extremely important for any diabetic - it is the only way of minimising future health complications; heart disease; neuropathy resulting in amputations; kidney disease and early death.

Four years ago my A1C sugar levels were starting to get out of control - they weren't massively high but were creeping up. My Doctor increased my medication - with no real satisfactory results, my blood sugars were all over the place; I could go from a high reading at night and be woken by a hypoglaecemic (low blood sugar) in the early hours.

Then I discovered the Atkins diet and, because I wanted to lose weight, I started to follow the low carbohydrate, high protein menus.

That's when I discovered the real connection between complex carbohydrates, high blood sugars and my diabetes.  Suddenly my blood sugars stabilised and it was because I was no longer piling in huge amounts of carbohydrate, which were pushing my blood sugars far too high. 

This seemed to fly in the face of conventional advice on the right diets - complex carbohydrate rich - for diabetes.  You see, I already understood I had to avoid sweet, sugary food - these contained simple carbohydrates.  I hadn't realised that the more complex carbohydrate of bread, potato and cereals affected my blood sugars as well.

But (there's always a 'but' isn't there?)  the Atkins diet did not really suit me.  I had constant diarrhea which was stressful and debilitating.  So I came off that diet after 3-4 months and, of course, my blood sugars began to get out of control again.

But now I knew about the connection, all I needed to do was find the right program for me that followed the low carbohydrate principle.

And just recently, whilst doing research for my diabetes website, I discovered a program that suits me, and which I describe in more detail on my website for diabetics.

My advice to any diabetic and pre-diabetic, do your research!  Understand the close connection between the complex carbohydrates you eat, how they affect your blood sugars and how it can make it difficult to control your diabetes.  Once you understand that link, look for a diet or system that you can adapt to safely bring your blood sugars back under control.
Remember, too many carbohydrates (complex or simple) give you high blood sugar levels and if you have diabetes it means your body cannot cope with the additional overload.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Can I Go Tanning With Diabetes?

Can I Go Tanning With Diabetes?

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Diabetes and Tanning
If you are undergoing treatment for lupus or diabetes or are susceptible to cold sores, be aware that these conditions can be aggravated through exposure to ultraviolet radiation from tanning devices, sunlamps, or natural sunlight. In addition, your skin may be more sensitive to artificial light or sunlight if you use certain medications, for example, antihistamines, tranquilizers or birth control pills. Your tanning salon may keep a file with informatio...

tan,self tanning,tanning,tanning lotion,sun tan, sun tanning,bronzer,tanning pill,sun tan,

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Diabetes and Tanning
If you are undergoing treatment for lupus or diabetes or are susceptible to cold sores, be aware that these conditions can be aggravated through exposure to ultraviolet radiation from tanning devices, sunlamps, or natural sunlight. In addition, your skin may be more sensitive to artificial light or sunlight if you use certain medications, for example, antihistamines, tranquilizers or birth control pills. Your tanning salon may keep a file with information on your medical history, medications, and treatments. Make sure you update it as necessary.

Protecting Yourself
Limit your exposure to avoid sunburn. If you tan with a device, ask whether the manufacturer or the salon staff recommend exposure limits for your skin type. Set a timer on the tanning device that automatically shuts off the lights or somehow signals that you've reached your exposure time. Remember that exposure time affects burning and that your age at the time of exposure is important relative to burning.

Knowing your Tanning Lotion
Some suntanning products don't contain sunscreen. It only takes a few bad sunburns to raise the risk of skin cancer, and skin damage builds up over years even when no burning occurs. This is why sunscreen, which blocks UVA and UVB, is recommended. The FDA has expressed concern about suntanning products without sunscreen, and encourages consumers to check the labels for SPF protection.

Sunscreen is regulated by the FDA as an OTC drug. Look for products with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or more. The higher the number, the better the protection. Sunscreen should be liberally applied to skin 30 minutes before going out in the sun, and then every two hours after that.

Tanning Salons
It's true that most sun lamps emit mainly UVA radiation, and that these so­called "tanning rays" are less likely to cause a sunburn than UVB radiation from sunlight. But, contrary to the claims of some tanning parlors, that doesn't make them safe. UVA rays have a suspected link to malignant melanoma, and, like UVB rays, they also may be linked to immune system damage.

Tanning Safely
We urge you to find out more about self tanning. You can self tan with a Sunless tanning lotion. Sunless tanning lotion is a tanning lotion that gives you that great tan without the dangers of UVA and UVB! Find out more about Self Tanning!


Award Honors Success in Fight Against Diabetes

Award Honors Success in Fight Against Diabetes

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Ice cream or yogurt? Regular or diet soda? These may not be critical decisions at your dinner table - unless you're one of nearly 18 million Americans living with diabetes today.

Award Honors Success in Fight Against Diabetes

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Ice cream or yogurt? Regular or diet soda? These may not be critical decisions at your dinner table - unless you're one of nearly 18 million Americans living with diabetes today.

People with diabetes face daily challenges. To remain healthy, they must monitor their blood sugar levels, eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Some people also need to take insulin to stay alive.

In an effort to recognize champions of these challenges, Eli Lilly and Co. established the LillyforLife Achievement Award in 2002. The award celebrates the inspiring achievements of people of all ages who live with diabetes.

Those recognized do not have to be well known or famous for their achievements but can be everyday people who have accomplished or are working toward exceptional personal success.

This year, Lilly has expanded the award program to include not only people with diabetes but also anyone impacted by the condition or involved with the diabetes community.

Categories of submission include: patients age 18 or over; patients age 17 or under; professionals; caretakers or spouses; and journalists.

One person from each category will be selected by a panel of judges to receive this special award. Applicants are eligible to apply for one category. Peer or self-nominations are accepted from the public through Aug. 30, 2004.

Last year, Rick Largent was honored with the first ever LillyforLife Achievement Award. Largent has been living with type 1, or insulin-dependent, diabetes for 25 years. He has faced extraordinary challenges during his life beyond diabetes. An unfortunate accident left him quadriplegic, and he later lost his 19-year-old daughter to cancer.

Largent neglected to control his blood sugar, putting himself at risk for diabetes-related complications. It was not until he began using an insulin pump that he started taking control of his health again.

Largent began traveling cross-country sharing his story and teaching others that anything is possible when diabetes is managed well. He also visited Capitol Hill in an effort to educate policymakers on the dual dilemma of diabetes and disabilities.

Largent's resilience to conquer diabetes and quadriplegia represents the kind of spirit the LillyforLife Achievement Award stands for. As many who live with diabetes know, if the disease is managed, there's no reason you can't achieve your goals.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Avoid fats, meat and meat foods to control diabetes

Avoid fats, meat and meat foods to control diabetes

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The excessive use of fats has been linked to development of diabetes. A recent study at the University of Colorado Health Science Center, USA found that intake of an extra 40g of fat day increases the chances of developing diabetes by three times.

diabetes information, diabetes treatment, diabetes diet, diabetes causes, diabetes mellitus

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The excessive use of fats has been linked to development of diabetes. A recent study at the University of Colorado Health Science Center, USA found that intake of an extra 40g of fat day increases the chances of developing diabetes by three times. Fat rich diet, especially one saturated with animal fat, seems to damage the insulin's effectiveness. Research at the University of Sydney in Australia measured the saturated fatty acids in the muscles cells of older non-diabetic men and the women undergoing surgery and found that higher the presence of saturated fatty acids in the cells, the greater the insulin resistance. On the other hand, higher tissue levels of polyunsaturated fats, particularly fish oil, indicated better insulin activity and lower resistance. Fish oil differs from animal fats in that fish oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. One of the fatty acids called omega-3 is especially good for the heart—it lowers cholesterol and protects from atherosclerosis. In fact, the researchers also reported that intake of omega-3 fish oil to the subjects effectively overcame their insulin resistance.

In another study, Jennifer Lovejoy, assistance professor at Louisiana State of University, USA, studied and the eating habits and insulin activity among 45 non-diabetic men and women. About half of them were obese and the remaining half of normal weight. In both cases, higher fat consumption increased insulin resistance. This indicates, says Dr. Lovejoy, that even normal individuals who decrease their insulin efficiency and boost their vulnerability to diabetes.

Meat and Meat Foods

One of the most important nutrition guidelines to follow is to "eat less saturated fat." A quick and simple way to do that is to eliminate meat products. They are high both in saturated fat and cholesterol content. People with diabetes have a greater risk of heart disease earlier in life. The practically useless calories added by saturated fats contribute to above normal body weight and obesity, putting a diabetic at greater of heart disease.

Flesh foods are extremely harmful for diabetes. They increase the toxemic condition underlying the diabetic state and reduce the sugar tolerance. Most diseases of the human body are caused by autointoxication of self-poisoning. The flesh of animals increases the burden on the organs of elimination and overloads and system with animal waste matter and poisons. Chemical analysis has shown that uric acid and other uric poisons contained in the animal body are almost identical to caffeine and nicotine, the poisonous, stimulating principles of coffee, tea and tobacco.

The renowned journal Lancet, reports that a patient of diabetes must be persuaded to consume less animal foods. However, in cold countries where meat and mat products constitute the bulk of the diet, patients of diabetes should limit their intake of animal products to eggs and white meal like fish and poultry. Even their use of should be kept to the minimum; all red meat and red meat products should be eliminated from the diet.


Are The Foods We Eat, Always Safe?

Are The Foods We Eat, Always Safe?

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The foods of today are not as healthy as they were in past years. If one wants to stay healthy, then that person must seek an alternative to what is considered as the normal food program, and eating habits.



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Reference Webster's New World College Dictionary:
Food: 1. any substance taken into and assimilated by a plant or animal to keep it alive and  enable it to grow and repair tissue; nourishment; nutriment.
 2. Anything that nourishes or stimulates; whatever helps something to keep active,  grow, etc.

But does it enable to grow and repair tissue, or give proper nourishment and stimulants to our mind and body? There was a time when this question could be answered with an astounding yes. But this certainly isn't true anymore!

As a good example, in 1880 it was evident in the general population, that there were around 2.8 cases per 100,000 people who were diabetics. Then this rose to around 29.7 cases per 100,000 people in 1949. But then, in that same year, 1949, the manor in which they started keeping statistics was changed, to where the 29.7 cases were now 16.4 cases per 100,000 people. The consequence coming out of this change was to obscure what was actually the incredible rise in diabetic cases over this same period. Of course during that time period there was no distinction between Type I, and Type II diabetes it was known simply as diabetes.

Today, Type II diabetes alone has affected around 10 to 20% of the population; this is up from a low 0.0028% in the 1880's. The cause for this seems to be connected directly to the reengineering of our once natural food supply. It appears that certain essential nutrients have been removed from our foods for the sole purpose of extending its shelf life. But the problem grew even more intensive and dangerous. If we look to the same 100 year period, as we see the diabetes epidemic increase, we must also take note to what occurred within the food industry. As we do this, we have to notice the many coincidences that exist between the almost complete corruption of our food supply and our massive disease epidemic.

As one looks back on the efforts being made to substitute artificial food as the real thing, we will find that it goes back to the time of Napoleon. It has always been the enormous profits as being the motivation factor that is possible with artificial food. It was a Frenchman named Hippolyte Mege-Mouries that invented what is now known as Margarine. He did this in order to win a contest that was sponsored by Napoleon III for the invention of a palatable table fat. We patented his invention in England in 1869. Based on today's standards, this Margarine was barely edible. It wasn't until 1874 when Margarine was first introduced to us in America. It wasn't too palatable, for it consisted of such things as Hog Fat, Gelatin, Fat, Bleach, Mashed Potatoes, Gypsum and Casein.

It was in 1899 when David Wesson established a vacuum and high temperature process for deodorizing cottonseed oil. It was the next year when he marketed "Wesson" oil. It took him over ten years to fully develop his hydrogenation process. Then in 1903, William Norman patented the hydrogenation process. This process was used to prevent unsaturated fatty acids from becoming rancid, by turning them into saturated fats.

It was then around 1911 that the artificial fat business actually began to take off. These artificial fats did not spoil and turn rancid as un-refrigerated natural products do. It was also this same year that Crisco came upon the food scene. Even the Jewish community accepted Crisco, because it was considered to be "Kosher".

But, it wasn't until the time of WWII that Margarine finally became popular in America, even though it was taking up around 40% of the market, since the 1920's. Formerly prior to WWII, there had been restrictive laws against Margarine which were repealed, and then Margarine became the dietary staple, as was motherhood and apple pie. And soon after this, it was followed by Crisco and artificial lard. It was also during this same period that refined oils made great inroads into the market place and became attractive to the consumer. It was these refined oils that actually made the manufacturer look great to the housewives of that time. It seems that no one ever noticed that even the insects would not eat of these oils, when any was spilled.

But by this time, it was very evident that these artificial oils and other product were here to stay. No one ever seemed to take note, or gave any thought to the long term consequences on the health of the nation that came with these cheap artificial foods. The whole period that started in the 1930s up until the present, was increasingly proliferated by a market driven science, one that was out to change consumer food habits. The complete idea was to wean the consumers away from the animal fat and cold pressed vegetable fat and seeds that had worked and was healthy for generations, and entice them to the new refined oils. Saturated fat was declared to be bad by salespeople posing as scientists, and as well, by the real scientists that were prostituting their trade.

The American Eskimo, whose diet formally consisted of about 60% animal fat, remained healthy without any signs of diabetes for several generations. But, after they became wealthy from their pipeline revenue, they adopted the typical American diet of artificial foods. Then within one generation, they had degenerated health wise, to the same health status that was then considered normal in America.

As scientific studies increased, several misleading studies came out regarding artificial fats, and the oil companies asserted the value of "polyunsaturated" or "monounsaturated" oils to ones health. There is no law that says they must tell you the truth, that these are really "transfats"; so they will not tell you, that a "polyunsaturated transfat" and a "monounsaturated" transfat, are poisonous. A polyunsaturated Cis, or natural fat, is a desirable and necessary part of a healthy diet. So now you know!

So, due to all of this, it becomes more evident that the health trend will continue to worsen, and more and more people will continue on the path of becoming Type II diabetics. That is, without some kind of dietary change, such as the living food program.


Friday, June 24, 2011

All About Diabetes: Symptoms, Causes, Types.

All About Diabetes: Symptoms, Causes, Types.

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Diabetes is a serious disease. But the startling truth is that diabetes is reversible. Diabetes is the number one cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD).Recognizing diabetes symptoms can help you to prevent further devastating diabetes complications. Or, if you are a person in risk for developing diabetes, this can help you to prevent the diabetes onset. Anyway, keep in mind that you may not have all the symptoms of diabetes, maybe just only one diabetes symptom.

diabetes, diabetes symptoms, diabetes types, diabetes cure, diabetes info, diabetes type

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While talking about diabetes, you may be frightened from the idea that you may have it. Or maybe, you may have it in the future. You want to know if you are at risk to develop diabetes and anxiously you're looking to find if you have any diabetes symptom.

Diabetes affects the manner in which the body handles carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If neglected, diabetes can have serious complications. The diabetic people have high blood sugar level. The blood sugar level is regulated by insulin - a hormone produced by the pancreas, which depends on your eating habits.

Diabetes is a serious disease. But the startling truth is that diabetes is reversible. Diabetes is the number one cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD). This disease is a condition where the body is unable to automatically regulate blood glucose levels, resulting in too much glucose (a sugar) in the blood. Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects as many as 16 million Americans.

Actually, there is no clear symptom for diabetes. The most common symptoms of diabetes are as follow:

- being all the time thirsty
- frequent urination
- increased hunger
- feeling all the time tired; having an excessive fatigue,

On the other hand, there are some other symptoms of diabetes that are prescribed as diabetes complications in fact. These symptoms are:

- vision changes;
- recurrent skin infections very difficult to heal;
- tingling or numbness you may feel in your extremities;
- gums disorders;
- Hair loss and many others.

There are two different types of diabetes.

Type I Diabetes (juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes): The reason for type I diabetes is due to pancreas unability to produce insulin.

Type II Diabetes (non insulin dependent diabetes or adult onset diabetes): This diabetes is a result of body tissues becoming resistant to insulin. It is usually hereditary.

Type 2 Diabetes is more common than Type 1 Diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a life-long disease marked by high levels of sugar in the blood. Conditions associated with type 2 diabetes include hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Type 2 diabetes may account for about 90% to 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. Up to two-thirds of people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms. Obesity is the single most important risk factor for type 2 diabetes. An estimated 20% of all cases of new onset type 2 diabetes are in individuals between the ages of 9-19. The more you know about type 2 diabetes, the more you'll be able to take the right steps to take control of your condition.

If neglected, diabetes can lead to various complications such as damage to the kidneys, heart disease, nerve damage, hypoglycemia (drastic reduction in glucose levels). Diabetes is a serious disease and there is no treatment of it. However, it can be brought under control by proper diabet diet.


A Short Tutorial About Various Diabetic Supplies

A Short Tutorial About Various Diabetic Supplies

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Diabetes is a chronic disease with no cure but the good news is that proper care and treatment a person can live a log and healthy life. Nearly 2,000 people are diagnosed with diabetes everyday.

It is estimated that there are 17 million people with diabetes in the U.S and another 16 million have pre-diabetes or higher blood-sugar levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.

Buying diabetes supplies online can save time and mone...

diabetes supplies, diabetic condition, diabetics,blood sugar levels,insulin, blood glucose monitors

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Diabetes is a chronic disease with no cure but the good news is that proper care and treatment a person can live a log and healthy life. Nearly 2,000 people are diagnosed with diabetes everyday.

It is estimated that there are 17 million people with diabetes in the U.S and another 16 million have pre-diabetes or higher blood-sugar levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.

Buying diabetes supplies online can save time and money. In this article you will find the most used supplies and tools to achieve a good diabetes control and aid in everyday self-care.

For those who have been diagnosed with a diabetic condition, diabetes supplies are a fact of life. In order to maintain good health, diabetics must rely on various tools to help them monitor their conditions. Still, diabetes patients need to exercise caution when buying diabetes supplies.

The company that you buy your diabetes supplies from should have a phone number in case you need to contact the business because of a problem with the order. In fact, it's best if the company has a toll-free hotline number that you can reach 24 hours a day. It is much better to register a complaint by phone than by e-mail.

Also, the company should have a pharmacist available to answer your questions. Having a pharmacist on staff indicates that the company is legitimate and is determined to provide excellent service to its customers. When ordering diabetes supplies, you'll want to pay close attention to shipping charges so that you don't experience sticker shock when you receive your final bill.

Typically, a diabetic pays a substantial sum each month for diabetes supplies, including pills, insulin, syringes, alcohol pads, lancets, ointments, salves, and special foods. Because competition for business is so great, the prices of items such as testing strips and glucose monitors are often competitive.

This competition can help to keep the diabetes patient's expenses in check. However, there is no question that a diabetic must devote a portion of his or her income or insurance costs to diabetes supplies. In order to control glucose, blood sugar levels must be monitored closely—at least once a day.

Insulin Cases: Environmental factors such as excessive heat and freezing will have major affect on type of insulin. So, there is a need to keep insulin safe by using special cases while traveling and going out.

Blood Glucose Monitors: It is used to examine blood glucose level. Blood glucose levels below 120 mg/dL before meals, and below 180 mg/dL after meals, is the goal to stay healthy and prevent or delay the development of diabetes complications.

Blood Pressure Monitors: It helps to check blood pressure level of a person. High blood pressure affects 20-60% of people with diabetes and results in causing eye disease, kidney disease and heart disease.

Diabetes Software: This software can be used in your computer to help you to share the information with your Health Care Team to make the best choices in your treatment. Diabetes software includes OneTouch diabetes management software, OneTouch diabetes management software kit.

Glucose Tablets: Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels can occur very quickly and is a sharp complication of diabetes, especially if you use insulin. People with diabetes must always carry glucose tablets.

Glucose Gels: Glucose gel is absorbed more rapidly than tablets. In case of severe hypoglycemia 15 g of glucose in the form of glucose gel must be administered immediately orally.

Experts recommend that you deal only with those Internet companies that offer a return address rather than a post office box. If you want to make sure that you are buying diabetes supplies from reputable businesses that have their own offices, rather than an individual who is simply buying diabetes supplies from an Internet auction site and re-selling them to new customers.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

A DNA Link between Diabetes and Obesity

A DNA Link between Diabetes and Obesity

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There is no known reason for what causes diabetes.  There are certainly risk factors that
make the likelihood of you being diagnosed with the disease higher.  One of the only risk
factors that you have control over is your weight.  If you are obese, the single best thing
you can do for your health and the prevention of diabetes is to lose weight.  Even in small
increments, when you shed pounds you are increasing your health benefits.

These may be easier said than done.  There are...

diabetes, obese, children, risk, obese diabetes, link, studies, health, healthy, found, happening, weight, prevent, gene researchers discovered

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There is no known reason for what causes diabetes.  There are certainly risk factors that
make the likelihood of you being diagnosed with the disease higher.  One of the only risk
factors that you have control over is your weight.  If you are obese, the single best thing
you can do for your health and the prevention of diabetes is to lose weight.  Even in small
increments, when you shed pounds you are increasing your health benefits.

These may be easier said than done.  There are new studies that are now showing that
there is a genetic factor or mutation for people who are obese and have diabetes.  This
genetic malfunction affects how the bodies use energy and insulin – two key elements in
the functioning of your body and the cause of diabetes and obesity.

The studies also state that this is not a cause and effect case.  If you carry this defective
gene you are not guaranteed to be obese or have diabetes.  But the link is there and it can
be prevented.  You may have to work harder at it than others to maintain a healthy body
weight and put off diabetes but it can be done.  Discuss with your doctor options and
ways to prevent or put-off the onset of diabetes.

The gene that researchers have discovered as a precursor to diabetes has been found in
young children.  It is scary to know that children in their preschool years are being
diagnosed with obesity and type 2 diabetes due to genetics.  But parents can reduce or
prevent these things from happening by giving their children healthy lifestyle choices. 
Now that a DNA link has been found, the research can focus on finding a way to fix or
prevent this from happening at some point in the future.



7 Steps on How to Prevent Diabetes

7 Steps on How to Prevent Diabetes

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Diabetes is more prevalent than ever and 95% of cases diagnosed are type 2 diabetes. 

Although for some the development of diabetes is inevitable, perhaps due to heriditery and other factors, for the vast majority it can be prevented by taking these 7 simple steps...

diabetes prevention,diabetes,cause of diabetes,diabetes recipe,diabetes control

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Diabetes is more prevalent than ever and 95% of cases diagnosed are type 2 diabetes. 

Although for some the development of diabetes is inevitable, perhaps due to heriditery and other factors, for the vast majority it can be prevented by taking these 7 simple steps...

Before diabetes type 2 becomes fully developed you go through a stage known as pre-diabetes.  This is where you start to show some of the symptoms, which if ignored, can lead to full blown diabetes.

Make these 7 action points part of your daily routine and you could stop this disease happening to you:

1) If you are overweight you risk developing diabetes.  Reduce the amount of food on your plate so you gradually eat less and start to lose weight.  Drink a glass of plain water or a sugar-free drink before your meal to take the edge of any hunger pains.

2) Reduce the amount of fat you are eating; grill or bake foods instead of frying; use low-fat spreads and reduced fat meals.

3) Check the Glycemic Index of the food you are eating - knowing what each food contains helps maintain your blood-sugars, which in turn can prevent the full onset of diabetes.

4) Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. If you keep a bottle of water with you and sip frequently you'll be surprised how much you do drink throughout the day.

5) If you are feeling peckish choose a healthy snack rather than a chocolate bar.

6) Use skimmed rather than full-fat milk in hot drinks.

7) Exercise is good for health.  But if you are not use to exercise then start in moderation.  15 minutes gentle walking each day will ease you into a regular exercising pattern.

All of these action points are also the ones that diabetics are advised to take - if you take them now you might possibly prevent irreparable damage to your health.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

7 Reasons Why Smoking is Even More Hazardous for Diabetics

7 Reasons Why Smoking is Even More Hazardous for Diabetics

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Are you a diabetic? Do you smoke? Do people around you smoke?  We all know smoking is a direct cause of cancer but if you have diabetes smoking - including passive smoking - leads to other health problems...

diabetes smoking,diabetes,cause of diabetes,diabetes recipe,diabetes control

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Here are 7 reasons why mixing diabetes with smoking is a very bad idea:

1)  You are more likely to get nerve damage (neuropathy).  This is because smoking affects your blood circulation and that in turn means your nerve endings are not getting the nutrients they need.  If this happens to the nerves in your feet it could lead to sores and infections and, if not taken care of properly, even amputation.

2)  There is an increased risk – double in fact -of you getting limited mobility in your joints. It's no fun trying to bend, climb stairs or lift something when you have a painful joint.

3)  Because of smoking you could develop kidney disease.

4)  When you smoke your blood pressure increases.  Increased blood pressure creates a real risk of heart disease.

5)  Research has shown that diabetics who smoke increase, 3-fold, the risk of dying of heart (cardiovascular) disease.

6)  By smoking you increase your blood-sugar levels.  This makes it more difficult to control your diabetes because your glucose levels  could be fluctuating quite dramatically.  This, in turn, leads to other problems.

7)  And it also increases your cholesterol levels, which increases the risk of a heart attack.

In fact smoking - and passive smoking - have a seriously detrimental effect on the ABC's of diabetes management:

  the measurement of your blood glucose over a 3-month period
  your blood pressure, which should be below 130/80
  your cholesterol levels.  Cholesterol levels include LDL, HDL and triglycerides.  Your LDL should be below 100.  HDL levels should be above 40 (for men) and above 50 (for women).  Tryglycerides should be below 150.

And, of course, on top of all that there's the proven risk of cancer!


7 Diabetes Foot Care Tips

7 Diabetes Foot Care Tips

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If you have diabetes information about how to manage your condition is vital to your well being.  Reduce your risk of infection or amputation by incorporating these 7 foot care tips...

diabetes foot care,diabetes,cause of diabetes,diabetes recipe,diabetes control

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If you have diabetes information about how to manage your condition is vital to your well being.
If you don't look after your feet you run the risk of developing sores or infections that could, in the worst case scenario, lead to amputations. As happened to my father-in-law.  Reduce your risk of infection or amputation by incorporating these 7 foot care tips...

1)  Check your feet daily - especially if you have low sensitivity or no feeling in your feet. Sores, cuts and grazes could go unnoticed and you could develop problems leading to amputations.

2)  Don't go around barefoot, even indoors. It's easy to tread on something or stub your toes and cut yourself. Protect your feet with socks/stockings and

3)  Be careful if you have corns or calluses. Check with your doctor or podiatrist the best way to care for them.

4)  Wash your feet daily in warm, NOT HOT water. And don't soak your feet (even if you've been standing all day) because it could dry your skin and form cracks or sores.

5)  Take extra care to dry your feet completely, especially between your toes. These are natural moisture traps - leaving them damp or wet could create all sorts of problems.

6)  Exercise your legs and feet regularly. Even when sitting you can rotate your ankles; wiggle your toes or move your legs up and down. These all keep your blood circulation flowing and helps to minimize the risk of foot problems.

7)  Get your feet professionally checked, at least once a year, for sensitivity and signs of any problems.  You can usually arrange this when you have your annual check up for your AC1 levels (blood glucose levels over a 3-month period), blood pressure and cholesterol.

Take constant care of your feet. Get help from a relative or professional; Doctor, diabetic nurse or podiatrist if you are not able to bend when trimming nails or checking for sores.  Taking these simple actions will help you reduce the risk of painful problems.


Monday, June 20, 2011

5 Ways to Manage your Diet for Diabetes

5 Ways to Manage your Diet for Diabetes

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Since my diagnosis with juvenile diabetes, my own diet has changed dramatically.  I do maintain my weight with a great diet ...

diabetes,diabetic,juvenile,diet,weight,food, health,tip,child,teenager,student

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Since my diagnosis with diabetes at the age of eleven, my own diet has changed dramatically.  I maintain my current healthy weight with a great diet/eating plan. If you do plan on losing more than about a stone in weight then I would visit your doctor for more tips on how to do this without risk. 

I've had diabetes for seven years now, but to tell you that how I maintain weight is perfect would be totally wrong of me.  However, I can advise you to follow my steps because I know what works and what doesn't. Before I really begin I must also say that I have been brought up by great parents who taught me to eat everything, and so I do! If there is something that you don't like, there are loads of other diabetic recipes and ideas that you will eat and appreciate.

I am a university student and I like to buy fresh and organic produce from where I live. I believe that this is important because it can be the most good for your body and contain more nutrients and vitamins than most supermarket produce. I like to source food from my fortnightly farmers market in town, which sells amazing meat and dairy produce and fresh in season fruit and vegetables. This is another important thing to remember, that eating fruit and vegetables in their season means that they will taste better as well as doing you good. I have a lot of influence from Western European cuisine (mainly France and Italy) as you will tell, but I do not profess to be a chef and everything is easy to make and very convenient.

I have read countless diet books and diabetic recipe/diet books, and I came to a conclusion that I think really works. I fused all the good things from the diets (but not from every diet) and sort of put together my own one. I call this my Juvenile Diabetes Healthy Diet!

The "rules" that I would lay down are as follows:

1. Cut back on snacks and then change the type of snacks you eat.
Certainly my biggest downfall although it wasn't really apparent to me. When I first started at University, I had little or no routine which meant that filling my day was difficult and popping into the kitchen for a snack, no matter how healthy it felt, was a regular occurence. This is one of the hardest things to do for some people, but establishing a great routine is essential to great diabetes care. The types of snacks to be eating are unsalted nuts, dried unsweetened fruit, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables (I love fresh red pepper and cucumber), dark chocolate (richer and nicer and you only want 2 squares usually).

2. Cut back on white flour and embrace wholemeal carbs.
This is the most essential part of your diet, and the thing that can show the biggest increase in loss of weight. Some diets in fact jsut focus on this point, and are very successful. Wholemeal (especially stoneground wholemeal) is so good for you and has so much more flavour in it that switching is much easier than you think. Most people are really surprised at the ranges you can get in you supermarket, again remember that the bread that is best for you is the one that is freshest with least perservatives or added ingredients. Also, brown or basmati rice is great with a lovely nutty texture. Wholemeal pasta is great and for your potatoes I would totally recommend the smaller new potatoes.

3. Stop drinking cocktails, start drinking wine.
Cocktails are full of sugar, colourants and preservatives. As a student I have had loads of practice at going out and not drinking cocktails, so my drink of choice is Malibu and Diet Coke if I feel I have to drink something and I make it last all night. I can then top up with Diet Coke (which has almost no sugar in it) and it looks as though I am drinking Malibu, who is to know. If you are out at a restaurant, red wine is much better than anything else you can order, (except water of course!) and it has been proven that the anti-oxidants in red wine are great for keeping a healthy heart. The recommended amount is one glass a day with your evening meal.

4. Start cooking more fruit and vegetables.
Fresh fruit and vegetables are a great way to get all the vitamins and minerals you need. And there are so many different ways in which to cook vegetables, but I find that raw is the best followed closely by steamed. Both of these ways preserve all their natural goodness as well. I will follow this post with another diabetes recipes post.

5. Drink more water.
I know you have heard people say this many times before, but the benefits of drinking more water are endless. A few tips on how to get more water into your day are firstly to put bottles of water at all the places you go in the house or work. So keep one in your desk, on your desk, a glass in the kitchen, the bedroom, the sitting room, etc. Try and drink all these glasses up and you will be well on your way to 8 glasses a day. The trick is to add a glass every few days or so, if you try to drink all that water in one go you won't be so inclined to drink 8 glasses again, trust me! Have a go, it's amazing how great you will feel.



5 Diabetes Travel Tips

5 Diabetes Travel Tips

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Planning ahead when you travel reduces stress.  This is particularly important for a diabetic.  These 5 diabetes travel tips are simple to implement and crucial to your diabetic management and...

diabetes travel,diabetes,cause of diabetes,diabetes recipe,diabetes control

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Planning ahead when you travel reduces stress.  This is particularly important for a diabetic.  These 5 diabetes travel tips are simple to implement and crucial to your diabetic management.  They are particularly important if you are traveling abroad.

1)  Have a pre-travel check-up.  Make sure your A1C blood sugar levels; your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels are OK.  Get the appropriate shots for any country you plan to visit.

2)  Wear a diabetes medical ID.  Ideally it should be in the language spoken in the country you're visiting.  Not everyone speaks your language and you don't want medical problems through misunderstandings.

3)  Keep your medication and glucose snacks in your hand-luggage.  Check-in baggage does, unfortunately, go astray. Don't risk your diabetes medication by packing it in your main luggage.

4)  Keep your medication in its original box, complete with pharmacy labels.  It will prevent misunderstandings about why you are carrying drugs and, if you are on insulin, syringes.

5)  Be aware of time zone changes, especially when altering your watch.  Remember when you travel east your day becomes shorter; if you travel west your day becomes longer.  You may need to alter the timings of your medication.

Traveling need not be traumatic.  A sensible attitude and a bit of pre-travel planning can make things go far more smoothly.